Misc hatches, latches and other details
The remainder of surface details for the fuselage were all to be fashioned from white styrene plastic. For the most part, I use 10mil styrene sheeting (usually Plastistruct). Hinges are easily simulated using styrene "half round" rod.
Latches are also cut from 10mil styrene, and button details are burned into the styrene with a hot brass tube. Other details are made by cutting small slices of styrene rod and gluing where needed.
Lastly, I had to finish detailing the "functional hatches" that I made earlier to hide the access ports containing switches, filler valves, gauges, hardware, etc.. These details were created using the same materials and techniques as the other hatches and such that were described above.
Well, that's about it for detailing on the fuselage and wing. They are both pretty much ready for rivet application, which should really start making this bird come to life. Next up will be to finish working the cowl over and adding any details to it.