Now on to the riveting of the airframe. I used the same riveting technique on the rest of the plane that I used on the engine cowl. Refer back to that section for more details on the tools and materials I used to produce the rivets and Dzus fasteners there. Here are some pics of the airframe as I laid down these details.
Don't ask me how many rivets there were on this puppy... I wasn't even going to consider counting them. My best guess is somewhere between 8-10,000 total. It took me about 30 hours to apply all the rivets and fasteners, roughly a week's work. |
Tweaking the mixture
Somewhere along the line I began experimenting more with my glue mixture for the rivets. I found that the less water I added, the better the results were (less pruning). However you need "some" water to keep it thin enough to get it through the hypo needle. I think I eventually ended up using only 25-30% water added to the glue on the rest of the plane. Here's a pic at left of the finished airframe ready for painting.